


    Categorising Syrians in Lebanon as ‘vulnerable’ by Maja Janmyr and Lama Mourad.

    Vulnerability assessments are used by humanitarian actors to identify those at greater risk of harm but their use in the response to displaced Syrians in …

    Modes of Ordering: Labelling, Classification and Categorization in Lebanon’s Refugee Response

    LawTransform’s Maja Janmyr has co-written a socio-legal article on Syrians in Lebanon which has just been published in the Journal of Refugee Studies. The article …

    Leaving no stone unturned: The borders and orders of transnational prostitution

    May-Len Skilbrei and affiliate Synnøve Jahnsen have written the article “Leaving no stone unturned: The borders and orders of transnational prostitution” in British Journal of Criminology. Criminologists are …

    UNHCR and the Syrian refugee response: negotiating status and registration in Lebanon

    When a host state rejects the international refugee law regime, yet faces an unprecedented number of refugees, how does the United Nations High Commissioner for …

    Bringing Law into the Political Sociology of Humanitarianism

    Over the past few years, the study of humanitarianism has emerged as an interdisciplinary subfield in international political sociology. This article maps out some preliminary …


    WAIT – Waiting for an uncertain future: the temporalities of irregular migration

    The Project The WAIT-project focuses on the temporal aspects of migration and investigates how temporal structures related to irregular migration are shaped by legal regimes, …



    Affiliate Synnøve Jahnsen With New Book on “Criminal Justice Research in an Era of Mass Mobility.”

    Affiliate Synnøve Økland Jahnsen, Andriani Fili and Rebecca Powell recently published their new book “Criminal Justice Research in an Era of Mass Mobility.” The book …

    Lawtransform’s Maja Janmyr receives Chr. Michelsen Prize on outstanding development research.

    Congratulations to Head of the Lawtransform Migration Unit and Professor in international migration law at the Norwegian Center for Human Rights, Maja Janmyr, who received …


    NCHS Annual Meeting: Humanitarian Challenges in Complex Contexts

    Date: 5 November 2019 Time: 09:00-16:30 Location: Bergen Global CMI/UiB, Jekteviksbakken 31 This one-day event is an initiative of the Norwegian Centre for Humanitarian Studies …

    Rescuing the rescuers

    Date: 16th January 2019 Time: 12:00-13:00 Place: Bergen Global, Jekteviksbakken 31 During 2018 over 2775 people drowned on the dangerous migration route across the Mediterranean …