Book launch: Adoption from Care

Date, time: 19 May 2021, 14.30-16.00

Venue: Zoom

Welcome to the launch of “Adoption from Care: International Perspectives on Children’s Rights, Family Preservation and State Intervention” edited by Tarja Pösö (Tampere University), Marit Skivenes (UiB), and June Thoburn (University of East Anglia).

This book explores how children’s rights are practiced and weighed against birth and adoptive parents’ rights and examines how governments and professionals balance rights when it is decided that children cannot return to parental care.

From different socio-political and legal contexts in Europe and the United States, it provides an in-depth analysis of concepts of family, contact, the child’s best-interest principle and human rights when children are adopted from care.

At the book launch, the editors and chapter authors will present some of the highlights from the book, and engage in discussions on implications for policy and professional practices.

Join on Zoom here. 


The launch is organized by Centre on Law and Social Transformation in collaboration with Centre for Research on Discretion and Paternalism and Bergen Global.