Marit Skivenes

Fellow in Bergen

Professor, Department of Government, University of Bergen. Professor II at the Dept. of Social Education (Western Norway University of Applied Sciences)

Marit Skivenes is the research director and principal investigator at Centre for Research on Discretion and Paternalism.

Skivenes is recognized as a leading expert in the field of child protection systems, and have numerous publications in well-regarded journals. She is also a popular lecturer both nationally and abroad, as well as a widely used commentator by the media. Her primary research interests center around child welfare issues, and decision-making and deliberative processes within different (policy, practice and legal) levels of child protection,

Skivenes completed her PhD in Political Science at the University of Bergen in 2002. In 2016, Skivenes received the prestigious Consolidator Grant from the European Research Council. Skivenes is, and has been, the Principal Investigator for several cross-country research projects, including the current “Discretion and the Child’s Best Interest in Child Protection” and “The Acceptability of Child Protection Interventions”.



Cosmopolitan Turn and Democratic Sentiments
2019 - 2023

Discretion and the Child’s Best Interest in Child Protection

Law, Democracy and Welfare

Legitimacy and Fallibility in Child Welfare Services: A Cross-Country Study of DecisionMaking
2017 - 2017

Legitimacy Challenges
2020 - 2025

Measuring Child Rights in Norway

The Acceptability of Child Protection Interventions: A Cross-Country Analysis

The Pro Bono Group

Legitimacy and Fallibility in Child Welfare Services
2012 - 2016