LawTransform Masters’ Week 2018

The Centre on Law & Social Transformation is lucky to have many bright and engaged students around! Since the centre was established back in 2014, as a collaboration between Chr. Michelsen Institute and University of Bergen, we have had nine master’s theses written here, and this Summer six new students are developing their research at the centre. This is something we are proud of!

The LawTransform students put a lot of effort into writing great master’s theses while also organizing seminars that make the centre an inspiring place to be. We therefore have all the reason to celebrate it with an entire week of seminars at the Bergen Resource Centre for International Development: Welcome to LawTransform Masters Week 2018!

We will have exciting public seminars where the former students (Anna Gopsill, Bheki Dlamini, Sait Matty Jaw, Runa Falck Langaas, Hilde Sætre, Marthe Sleire Engedahl and Yngvild Gotaas Tovik) will present their work and closed sessions for discussing work in progress of current students (Anja Rørnes Tucker, Artur Rubinat, Diana Carolina Suarez, Mathilde Thorsen, Ruben Mathisen and Sara Ekblom). If you would like to participate in a closed session, please contact us (

We are honored to have Camila GianellaHanne Sophie Greve, Lise Rakner, Elling N. Tjønneland, Elisabeth Ivarsflaten, Marit Skivenes, Kjersti Gravelsæter Berg, Sofie Arjon Schütte, Arne Tostensen, Hugo StokkeSvein-Erik Helle and Ernst Nordtveit as commentators for the seminars.

13 February (Tuesday) – 8:30-9:30 – Anna Gopsill
Implausible Victims: The sexual assault of men within detention facilities in Bosnia, 1992-1995
Chair: Camila Gianella
Discussant: Hanne Sophie Greve
13 February (Tuesday) – 15:00-16:00 – Bheki Dlamini and Sait Matty Jaw (through Skype)
Democratization in Swaziland. ‘Beheading yet another king whilst the world watches’
Restoring Democracy in The Gambia? An Analysis of Diaspora Engagement in Gambian Politics
Chair: Lise Rakner
Discussant: Elling N. Tjønneland
14 February (Wednesday) – 8:30-9:30 – Runa Falck Langaas
New Policies, Old Attitudes? – Discrimination against Roma in Norway
Discussant: Elisabeth Ivarsflaten
14 February (Wednesday) – 11:00-12:00 – Hilde Sætre
Influence and Legitimacy: Civil Society Organizations and the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child
Discussant: Marit Skivenes
15 February (Thursday) – 11:00-12:00 – Marthe Sleire Engedahl and Yngvild Gotaas Tovik
Providing ‘international protection’ to refugees – UNCHR’s mandate lost in interpretation?
Safeguarding borders, or safeguarding queers? Norwegian perceptions of (in)credible LGBT asylum seekers at the intersection of “LGBT friendly” normsand restrictionist immigration policies.
Discussant: Kjersti Gravelsæter Berg