Jackie Dugard, Bruce Porter, Daniela Ikawa, Lilian Chenwi (2020)
Edward Elgar Publishing
This Research Handbook combines practitioner and academic perspectives to provide a comprehensive, cutting edge analysis of economic, social and cultural rights (ESCR), as well as the connection between ESCR and other rights. Offering an authoritative analysis of standards and jurisprudence, it argues for an expansive and inclusive approach to ESCR as human rights.
Expert contributors discuss ESCR-related structures and mechanisms in the international,
regional and domestic spheres, and chapters explore the details, interpretations and current
developments of each thematic right, illustrating the critical cross-cutting and fault line issues
relating to global ESCR. Taking a far-sighted approach, contributors critically assess the failure of dominant human rights paradigms to address ESCR and to create a framework for multilateral responses to emerging global threats, arguing that a robust, reinforced ESCR approach and practice is needed to meet the human rights challenges of the 2020s.
This Research Handbook is a valuable contribution to the human rights field. Providing an
overview of ESCR-related systems, cases and challenges around the world, it will be particularly
beneficial for practitioners, scholars and students interested in international human rights, as
well as to lawyers and judges considering ESCR in the context of domestic law. International and
local NGOs and human rights organizations will also find this an essential guide on mechanisms to advance ESCR as human rights.
Edited by LawTransform fellow Jackie Dugard, Associate Professor, School of Law, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa, Bruce Porter, Executive Director, The Social Rights Advocacy Centre, Canada, Daniela Ikawa, Legal Officer, Open Society Justice Initiative and Adjunct Professor, Columbia University, US and Lilian Chenwi, Professor, School of Law, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa.
Contributors include: R. Balakrishnan, J. Bourke-Martignoni, M.V. Brás Gomes, L. Chenwi,
J. Chowdhury, A. Corkery, C. de Albuquerque, K. Donald, J. Dugard, S. Gloppen, M. Gomez, J. Heintz, D. Ikawa, V. Krsticevic, C. O’Cinneide, K. Paterson, B. Porter, V. Roaf, I. Saiz, M. Sepúlveda, C. Vallejo, F. Veriava, S. Wilson, A.E. Yamin.
Publication Date: October 2020. Until the end of the year you can get a discount for this book, click here for more information.
Photo: https://www.e-elgar.com