Call for applications: Predoctoral fellow position at DIPA

There is a vacancy for a position as a predoctoral fellow at the DIPA- Centre at the Department of Government, University of Bergen. It is a full-time position for a fixed-term period of 12 months. The fellow will support academic staff with their research and carry out administrative tasks. This is a great opportunity for […]

Announcement of 1-2 grants for master students

Students interested in writing a master’s thesis in 2023/24 as part of the research project “Exploring the Insanity Defense in the Global South” can apply for a grant of NOK 40,000. We welcome students from all Faculties at the UiB. “Exploring the Insanity Defense in the Global South” is a pilot project funded through the […]

Join the #BeEx2023 – Bergen Exchanges on Law & Social Transformation 14-18 August

The Bergen Exchanges take place the week of 14th -18th August. Take a look at the (draft) program  here!   The line-up of scholars from across the globe is amazing and we will discuss a range of  topical challenges:  DEMOCRACY, AUTOCRATIZATION & RESISTANCE  ACADEMIC FREEDOM * DECOLONIZATION * CHILD RIGHTS  GENDER, SEXUALITY * REPRODUCTIVE JUSTICE * […]

Commemorating 80 Years Since the Deportation of the Norwegian Jews

Blogpost by Dorothee Alberts Walking through many European cities today all that reminds us of the vibrant Jewish life and culture that once was part of these cities are small brass cobblestones, so called “Stolpersteine“. These stones are engraved with the name and date of birth and death — if known — of a Jewish […]

Guest researchers in Bergen

We are very lucky to have three great guest researchers at LawTransform this semester! Juliana Jaramillo is a PhD candidate at Universidad de los Andes (Colombia). She works in the field of socio-legal studies and she works on topics related to gender and sexual diversity, human rights, courts, advocacy networks, and social movements. During her […]

The Limits of Judicialization. From Progress to Backlash in Latin America

This new book edited by Sandra Botero, Daniel M. Brinks and Ezequiel A. Gonzalez-Ocantos is finally out in print! Latin America was one of the earliest and most enthusiastic adopters of what has come to be known as the judicialization of politics – the use of law and legal institutions as tools of social contestation […]

Recording of Ran Hirschl’s lecture: Constitutions & the Metropolis

On 15. June we had the pleasure of hearing Professor Ran Hirschl give a lecture, “Constitutions & the Metropolis“, based on his recent book City, State: Constitutionalism and the Megacity (Oxford University Press, 2020)—winner of the 2021 Stein Rokkan Prize for Comparative Social Science Research. Here you can find the recording of the lecture. Photo: […]

Bergen Exchanges 2022 Annual Lecture Announcement

Sylvia Tamale: Re-routing Knowledge Production in Africa We are pleased to announce that this year’s Annual Lecture on Law & Social Transformation will be given by Sylvia Tamale (Professor of Law, Makerere University). She will speak on “Re-routing Knowledge Production in Africa: In Search of Our Roots”. The lecture will take place on 24 August, […]

LawTransform PhD Course Effects of Lawfare 2022: Application deadline 10 June!

LawTransform PhD course “Effects of Lawfare: Courts and law as battlegrounds for social change” Course period: 15 August – 30 August 2022 (preparatory period from 8 August) The application deadline is 10 June 2022! Apply here. Are you Interested in law as political strategy? How rights, law and courts are used as instruments for social change, and how […]

Urfolksforelesningen 2022

Buorre boahtem! I anledning Samenes nasjonaldag, arrangerte LawTransform Urfolksforelesningen 2022 (Annual Lecture on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples) i samarbeid med Bergen Sameforening og Bergen Global torsdag 10. februar. Dette er den femte Urfolksforelesningen LawTransform arrangerer i samarbeid med Sameforeningen. Temaet for den femte årlige forelesningen og den påfølgende paneldebatten var utbyggingen av vindkraftverk på […]