Time: 8.30-9.30 Hvilken rolle spiller domstolene i dag? Og hvordan kan vi sikre deres funksjon? Disse to grunnleggende spørsmålene vil bli behandlet i seminaret “Domstolers funksjon – hva betinges de av?” Dette seminaret tar utgangspunkt i Domstolskommisjonens arbeid. Domstolskommisjonen er et utvalg satt til å utrede domstolenes organisering, og har som hovedoppgave å undersøke hvordan domstolene kan […]
Time: 8.30-9.30 The Centre on Law and Social Transformation invites you to the launch of our new exciting research project entitled “Women on the Bench”. The research project will examine the role of women in the courts in five fragile and conflict affected states. We ask: How does a history of conflict affect the number […]
Time: 17:00-18:30 In cooperation with Amnesty International Bergen, we present Shackelia Jackson – a human right defender from Jamaica. The case of her brother is one of this years six cases of Write for Rights campaign/ Skriv for Liv. On the morning of 20 January 2014, Nakiea was busy cooking a large lunch order for […]
Time: 8.30-9.30 On 1 September, Kenya’s supreme court declared Uhuru Kenyatta’s victory in the presidential election invalid and ordered a new vote to be held within 60 days. The six-judge bench ruled 4-2 in favour of a petition filed by Odinga, who claimed the electronic voting results were hacked and manipulated in favour of the […]
Time: 18:00-21:00. Are you interested in how a lack of judicial accountability and independence can deeply impact not just the lives of individuals but that of an entire country? Then join us for an evening of Film, Reflection & Popcorn at the Bergen Resource Center on September 13th! The documentary Presumed Guilty tells the compelling […]
Venue: Auditorium 4, Faculty of Law, UiB Time: 18:00-20:00 This session looks at what we know about what influences judges’ decisions. Focus is on cases concerning politically sensitive questions such as freedom of expression, or gendered issues such as rape. We also discuss the process of ‘constructing a victim’. What is a ‘good victim’ in […]
Time: 14:30 – 15:30 Both in Latin America and Eastern Europe ambitious constitutional justice systems were established as part of the transitions from authoritarian rule in these regions in the 1980s and 1990s. Many of these constitutional courts assumed roles exceeding their historical functions – and those of constitutional courts in advanced industrial democracies. A new […]
Time: 12:40 – 13:30 While rule of law may be a central feature of democracy, law – and rule by law – is also central in authoritarian states. Most of our thinking about law is focused on democratic societies, as are most methods for doing legal and socio-legal research. To research law and legal institutions’ functioning […]
Tuesday, 2nd of May, 08:30-10:00 In early April, popular Ugandan academic Dr. Stella Nyanzi was arrested and charged by the Ugandan state. Stella is also a colleague and Research Affiliate of the Centre on Law & Social Transformation. Her formal charge of was of ‘computer misuse’ and ‘cyber harassment’ because she among other things has […]