LawTransform is lucky to have many bright and engaged students around! LawTransform students put a lot of effort into writing great master’s theses while also organizing seminars that make the centre an inspiring place to be. We therefore have all the reason to celebrate it with an entire week of seminars/webinars. Welcome to LawTransform Master’s Week 2021!
LawTransform Master’ s Week (8-12 March) is a week with public seminars/webinars where former master students, who are part of the centre’s student group, have the opportunity to present their master theses. There is also a closed session for those who are still developing their theses. Current students (Ingvild Lemstad, Ida-Elise Seppola Asplund, Caroline Borge Bjelland, Helle Karina Johansen) have already discussed their work in progress in a closed session and received comments and feedback from Pilar Domingo (Overseas Development Institute/LawTransform), Bheki Nkosi (LawTransform), Elisabeth Ivarsflaten (UiB) and Siri Gloppen (UiB/LawTransform).
We will have exciting public seminars where the former students (Mathea Loen, Ana Côrtes, Laro Gonzalez Canoura, Alida Steigler, Anja Tucker, Pierina Benavente) will present their work. We are honored to have Camila Gianella (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú/LawTransform), Catalina Vallejo (UiB/LawTransform), Inga Winkler (Columbia University), Jackie Dugard (CMI/University of the Witwatersrand) Rachel Cichowski (University of Washington), Malcolm Langford (University of Oslo/LawTransform), Anne Lise Fimreite (UiB), Lise Rakner (UiB/LawTransform), Jette Christensen (Stortinget), Ragna Aarli (UiB), Jon Kåre Skiple (Norce), Siri Gloppen (UiB/LawTransform), Lara Cortes (LawTransform) as commentators/chairs for the webinars.
8 March (Monday) 15.00-16.00 The Right to Water in National Constitutions. Mathe Loen (UiB/LawTransform).
8 March (Monday) 17.00-18.00 Looking for dialogue and recognition: transgender persons’ rights. Ana Côrtes (University of Coimbra/LawTransform)
11 March (Thursday) 14.00-15.00 Venezuela migration crisis: can Peruvian health system sustain it? Pierina Benavente (LawTransform)
11 March (Thursday) 16.00-17.00 Selection methods of judges. Anja Tucker (LawTransform)
12 March (Friday) 10.00-11.00 The dark side of combatting terrorism. Alida Steigler (LawTransform).
12 March (Friday) 13.00-14.00 Mandating inclusiveness: local actors and mandated governance networks. Laro Gonzalez (LawTransform)