News archive

Reflections on the PhD Conference on Gendered Autocratization

This past March, LawTransform hosted a two day conference for the UiB PhD course on Gendered Autocratization. This student lead course allowed PhD candidates an …

Photo taken by Siri Gloppen Apply for LawTransform Master’s Scholarships!

Are you interested in how activists use law and court cases to advance (or oppose) goals such as indigenous rights, climate transformation, abortion, queer rights, …

Call for Papers: Emerging Scholars Conference in Public Law

At the University of Texas Austin, the Department of Government is organizing an "Emerging Scholars conference in Public Law", with topics at the intersection of …

Bergen Exchanges Highlights

Thank you to all the participants at this year's Bergen Exchanges! The week was filled with insightful keynotes, panel and roundtable discussions. As well as …

Thank you to everyone who participated at #BeEx2023

Thank you to everyone who participated at this year's Bergen Exchanges! The week was filled with insightful panel and roundtable discussions and fantastic questions from …

Law & Society Association annual meeting in San Juan

The annual meeting on Law and Society is taking place in San Juan, Puerto Rico, from June 1-4, 2023. The theme for this years conference …

Call for applications: Predoctoral fellow position at DIPA

There is a vacancy for a position as a predoctoral fellow at the DIPA- Centre at the Department of Government, University of Bergen. It is …

Announcement of 1-2 grants for master students

Students interested in writing a master's thesis in 2023/24 as part of the research project “Exploring the Insanity Defense in the Global South” can apply …

Join the #BeEx2023 – Bergen Exchanges on Law & Social Transformation 14-18 August

The Bergen Exchanges take place the week of 14th -18th August. Take a look at the (draft) program  here!   The line-up of scholars from across …

Commemorating 80 Years Since the Deportation of the Norwegian Jews

Blogpost by Dorothee Alberts Walking through many European cities today all that reminds us of the vibrant Jewish life and culture that once was part of …

Guest researchers in Bergen

We are very lucky to have three great guest researchers at LawTransform this semester! Juliana Jaramillo is a PhD candidate at Universidad de los Andes (Colombia). …

The Limits of Judicialization. From Progress to Backlash in Latin America

This new book edited by Sandra Botero, Daniel M. Brinks and Ezequiel A. Gonzalez-Ocantos is finally out in print! Latin America was one of the earliest …

Recording of Ran Hirschl’s lecture: Constitutions & the Metropolis

On 15. June we had the pleasure of hearing Professor Ran Hirschl give a lecture, "Constitutions & the Metropolis", based on his recent book City, …

Bergen Exchanges 2022 Annual Lecture Announcement

Sylvia Tamale: Re-routing Knowledge Production in Africa We are pleased to announce that this year's Annual Lecture on Law & Social Transformation will be given by …

LawTransform PhD Course Effects of Lawfare 2022: Application deadline 10 June!

LawTransform PhD course “Effects of Lawfare: Courts and law as battlegrounds for social change”Course period: 15 August – 30 August 2022 (preparatory period from 8 August) The …

Urfolksforelesningen 2022

Buorre boahtem! I anledning Samenes nasjonaldag, arrangerte LawTransform Urfolksforelesningen 2022 (Annual Lecture on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples) i samarbeid med Bergen Sameforening og Bergen Global …

The World’s Worst State Leaders of 2021

When the Norwegian newspaper Morgenbladet declared the “The World’s Worst State Leaders of 2021”, Lise Rakner, Professor of political science at the University of Bergen …

Queer Lawfare seminar series

To mark the celebration of 50 years since homosexuality was decriminalised in Norway, LawTransform will run, throughout 2022, a seminar series focused on queer rights activism …

Water | Special Issue: Water and Sanitation as Human Rights: Have They Strengthened Marginalized Peoples’ Claim for Access?

The team working on LawTransform's project Elevating water rights to human rights: Has it strengthened marginalized peoples’ claim for water? has created a special issue …

LawTransform is launching its own podcast!

We are excited to announce that we are launching our own podcast. There will be monthly episodes on topics related to LawTransform’s work — from …

LawTransform Podcast

We have launched our own podcast. There will be monthly episodes on topics related to LawTransform’s work — from interviews, to panels and brief sum-ups …

Call for papers: Debates en Sociología

¿Hacia nuevos contratos sociales para la conservación? Revelando las luchas por legitimidad en las áreas protegidas de América Latina Fecha límite: 12 de diciembre de 2021 Prof. …

Effects of Lawfare 2021: Impressions from the PhD students

In connection to the Bergen Exchanges, LawTransform hosted the annual, interdisciplinary PhD course on Effects of Lawfare with participants at different stages of their PhDs. …

Call for papers: The International Journal of Human Rights

Moralities, Ontologies, and Legal Entanglements: Disputing Territory and Nature in Latin America Abstract deadline: 30 November 2021 Manuscript deadline: 30 April 2022 LawTransform Fellow Rachel Sieder and Dr. …

Anthropological Contributions to International Legal Approaches to Violence Against Indigenous Women

Check out Rachel Sieder‘s most recent article: Anthropological Contributions to International Legal Approaches to Violence Against Indigenous Women. Just published on line in the American Journal of …

Congratulations to Ana Braconnier, whose PhD was approved in July!

Congratulations to PluriLands research team member Ana Braconnier, whose PhD was approved in July. Ana's dissertation on the politics of constitutional justice and backlash in Guatemala …

Check out Rachel Sieder’s blog piece on the Pluriland project

Frontiers of Social-Legal Studies, the new blog of the Centre for Socio-Legal Studies at the University of Oxford, has just published Rachel Sieder's blog piece …

Academic freedom under threat in Brazil. Read interview with Conrado Hübner Mendes by the Humboldt Foundation

The Brazilian Law Professor, public intellectual and LawTransform Global Fellow Conrado Hübner Mendes is under attack from the Attorney General in Brazil for expressing his opinion. In …

Urgent call for support! Freedom of speech under attack in Brazil

Support Brazilian Law Professor, public intellectual and LawTransform Global Fellow Conrado Hubner Mendes who is under attacks from the Attorney General for defamation. Sign the petition …

LawTransform PhD Course Effects of Lawfare 2021: Application deadline 1 June!

LawTransform PhD course “Effects of Lawfare: Courts and law as battlegrounds for social change”Course period: 9 August - 23 August 2021 (preparatory period from 2 August). The …

Videos from the Master’s Week

LawTransform is lucky to have many bright and engaged students around! During this year's Master’ s Week (8-12 March), former students presented their work in the …

LawTransform Master’s Week 2021

LawTransform is lucky to have many bright and engaged students around! LawTransform students put a lot of effort into writing great master’s theses while also …

New seminar-series! Students in crisis

Students play an important role when it comes to finding solutions to the greatest challenges of our time, yet they have taken an unproportional part …

Interview on the new UiB-LawTransform project Dimensions

Linda Gröning  (Faculty of law, UiB) in conversation with Siri Gloppen (UiB, CMI/LawTransform) about the DIMENSIONS project: Remodeling criminal insanity and psychosis through the philosophical, …

Interview on the LawTransform project Effects of rights and law

In the following video Anja R. Tucker (Bergen Global, LawTransform) interviews Lara B. Côrtes (coordinator at LawTransform) on the project LawTransform: Effects of Rights & …

New project: Gender, Islam and legal orderings in post-US Afghanistan

LawTransform Affiliate Torunn Wimpelmann (CMI) in conversation with Siri Gloppen (UiB, LawTransform) about the new project "Gender, Islam and legal orderings in post-US Afganistan" (CMI). …

New project on Truth commissions and sexual violence

We congratulate a team of researchers lead by Elin Skaar (CMI), Research leader for the Courts, Judicial Behaviour & Transitional Justice Unit at LawTransform, who …

New project: DIMENSIONS

Professor Linda Gröning (Faculty of Law, UiB), LawTransform Affiliate received funding from the Research Council of Norway for the DIMENSIONS project: Remodelling criminal insanity and …

Funding for new project: PARTICIPATION: Are Children Heard in the Child Protection System?

NEW PROJECT: Marit Skivenes, LawTransform's Child Rights's  unit research leader, has received funding to conduct a groundbreaking study of children’s participation. – Lack of participation and …

Video: Peru renewed political crisis: What happens next?

Massive protests erupted in Peru after an illegitimate government took power on 9 November. In country with more that 34 000 deaths from Covid-19, people …

Video: Abortion Backlash! The significance of 22nd October 2020 for Poland and the world

22nd October 2020 was a momentous day for abortion rights. In Poland, in Europe and globally. On that day, the Constitutional Tribunal of Poland ruled that abortion …

Protests in Peru

Massive protest erupted in Peru after an illegitimate government took power on 9 November. In country with more that 34 000 deaths from Covid-19, and …

Video: Towards a new debate on abortion law reform in Argentina?

Abortion and post-abortion care in Argentina are heavily restricted, and only allowed in case of rape or when a woman’s health is in danger. Even …

Video: Launching the Bergen School of Global Studies

The Bergen School of Global Studies was established by the UiB Global Challenges strategic area in response to the need to make education at the …

Brnevernfrokost - webianrserie om barnevern og barns rettigheter Barnevernsfrokost – ny webinarserie

I den nye webinarserien Barnevernsfrokost, skal vi hver måned behandle et tema innenfor barnevern og barns rettigheter. Nå på tirsdag, 3. november kl. 9.00, avholdes det …

Visiting researcher at Law Transform- Ilker Gokhan Sen

Ilker Gokhan Sen holds a PhD in law from the University of Zurich, Switzerland. He taught constitutional law for several years in Turkey and then …

Call for applications: LawTransform/ Rafto Master’s student scholarship

Interested in climate change, democracy and human rights? Don't miss an opportunity to write a Master thesis on these issues in collaboration with RAFTO and …

Video av arrangementet “Panelsamtale: Hva koster det å være politivarsler?”

Før verdenspremieren på den norske dokumentarfilmen “Blue Code of Silence” under BIFF 2020, inviterte vi alle til panelsamtale om taushetskultur og politi-varslere i Vest: Hva …

Call for application: PhD position “UN, human rights to water & indigenous peoples”

ERC project RIVERS- Water/human rights beyond the human? Indigenous water ontologies, plurilegal encounters and interlegal translation (2019-2024), University Carlos III de Madrid (SPAIN)- seeks a PhD researcher …

Call for applications: Graduate Online Conference in Public Law at the University of Texas at Austin

The Department of Government at the University of Texas at Austin invites graduate student submissions for the seventh annual Graduate Conference in Public Law, to …

Øyvind Tefre Øyvind S. Tefre defended his PhD thesis

PhD: Why is adoption rarely used in Norwegian child protection, but widely used in the United States? LawTransform-affiliate Øyvind S. Tefre defend his doctoral thesis titled “Exploring …

Check out our latest videos!

You can find all the LawTransform events that we have streamed at Bergen Global with events descriptions, and links to YouTube videos, here.

Fire destroys Moria refugee camp

The Moria refugee camp destroyed by fire, with shelter-less children, youth, and adults trapped in a humanitarian crisis and prevented from leaving has become the …

In Memoriam: Sally Engle Merry

At LawTransform we are profoundly saddened to learn that Sally Engle Merry has passed away. Besides being a leading legal anthropologist and beloved professor at …

Visiting researcher – Ana Côrtes

Ana Côrtes is currently a PhD candidate in Public Law at the University of Coimbra – UC (2018- ) and a visiting researcher at the …

Summary of Bergen Exchanges 2020

Did you miss out on #BeEx2020? Or you would like a recap? Now you can check out the videos, the program and the summary of …

Videos from the Bergen Exchanges 2020

Under this page you can find all the seminars you missed from the Bergen Exchanges 2020.  

Video: Covid-19 and the Politics of Climate Governance in the Amazon

In the Amazon deforestation and fires have soared since the Brazilian far-right president, Jair Bolsonaro, took office in January 2019, vowing to end the “fines …

Video: Grassroot climate activism – from Paris to the Amazon

BSRS2020 “Global Climate Governance Regime” PhD course session/webinar on Grassroot climate activism – from Paris to the Amazon With Nnimmo Bassey, Julio Prieto, Deborah Delgado, Camila …

Video: COVID-19: The situation of refugees and migrants

The pandemic has limited people’s movement within and across borders, with particular consequences for migrants and refugees. Venezuelans alone number more than three million migrants …

Online Course in Systematic Reviews

Free online PhD course in the use of systematic reviews in the social sciences. The course will be offered in June 2020, and is designed to …

Video: Trick or treat? Why do legal responses to Covid-19 differ across Europe?

As the Covid-19 virus spread across the globe, European counties have adopted different legislative approaches to effectively combat the pandemic. Citing the need for rapid …

Webinars at LawTransform

Although physical seminars are cancelled, we are starting having online events. We look forward to seeing you in our webinars! In the meantime you can also watch the …

All LawTransform events are cancelled!

As a measure to prevent the spread of corona virus in Bergen, we have cancelled all events until further notice. We look forward to seeing …

CANCELLED: Course in Humanitarian Diplomacy: Call for applications

  This year it is possible to combine the LawTransform PhD course "Effects of Lawfare" with the training in Humanitarian Diplomacy that runs in the afternoons …

Digital LawTransform PhD course 2020: Application deadline 20 June!

LawTransform PhD course "Effects of Lawfare: Courts and law as battlegrounds for social change" (10- 21 August, 2020) Application deadline 20 June, 2020! Apply here. Covid-19 update: …

Video – Annual Lecture on Rights of Indigenous Peoples

To celebrate the Sami National Day, the third Annual Lecture on Rights of Indigenous Peoples was arranged on the 6th of February. This year's Annual Lecturer …

Video – Bits Before Bombs: Cyber-attack as a Breach of Article 2(4) of the UN Charter

In this Masters' Week breakfast seminar Oda Ringstad (UiB, Faculty of Law) presented her thesis which questions if, and when, cyber-attacks become “use of force”, …

Two new projects at LawTransform

LawTransform received funding from the Norwegian Research Council for two new projects! PluriLand (2020 - 2024) aims to develop a theory of land rights claiming …

Time to recognize children’s right to post-adoption contact with siblings

Time to recognize children’s right to post-adoption contact with siblings Hege Stein Helland, Ph.D. Candidate at the Centre for Research on Discretion and Paternalism and the …

Unique in a World Context

NEW PUBLICATION: Changes in the Norwegian Child Welfare Act formalize children’s right to “love”. PhD fellow Hege Stein Helland, PhD fellow Ida B. Juhasz and researcher …

Video: Constitutional reform process in Gambia

Satang Nabaneh is a doctoral candidate at the Centre for Human Rights, University of Pretoria and LawTransform PhD scholar as part of the research project …

Master’s Week 2020

For the third year we are organizing our LawTransform Master' s Week (10-12 February 2020) and we would be really happy if you could take …

Slik vil dommen forandre barnevernet

Norge ble dømt i menneskerettighetsdomstolen i en sak om tvangsadopsjon. Det vil få konsekvenser for barnevernet. Den europeiske menneskerettighetsdomstolen slo nylig fast at Norge har krenket …

BSRS 2020: Global climate governance regime – application until February 15!

This course explores the role of the global climate governance regime in devising ways to mitigate climate change and to adapt to already inevitable impacts. …

bergensummerresearchschool Bergen Summer Research School

Deadline for applications is February 1, 2020. Apply here:  Study period: June 8-18, 2020 More information at: University of Bergen Check out LawTransform's own course, Global climate governance …

Video: Accountability in Global Health and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Alicia Ely Yamin is a senior scholar at the Global Health Education and Learning Incubator at Harvard University. In collaboration with the United Nations Secretary-General's …

Article: Trans Legalities – Preliminary Study of Files on the Recognition of Trans* Identities in Peru

By Carlos J. Zelada and Carolina Neyra-Sevilla This is a summary of the article, which was published in The Asian Yearbook of Human Rights and …

Justice done? How Cambodia is dealing with its past

Today Ali Al-Nasani's presentation touched on various issues of the genocide in Cambodia and discussed the question if the Khmer Rouge Tribunal made a meaningful …

Visiting researchers at LawTransform

LawTransform has three visiting researchers: Evelyn Villarreal F., Namita Wahi and Adrian Jjuuko. They are working with ongoing LawTransform projects. Evelyn Villarreal F., the Research Coordinator …

Bergen Exchanges 2019

The Bergen Exchanges 2019 brought together academics, students, practitioners and activists from all over the world to share their research an interest in how law …

Live streaming at the Bergen Exchanges

This year we are live-streaming at the Bergen Exchanges! Events will be added to this page during the week. You can watch the events below: Monday …

Per Adde: Life and Work

We are delighted to announce an exhibition of Per Adde's art in Bergen. The exhibition will run from 16 August to 8 September at Kunstgarasjen. Throughout …

Two new seminar series at LawTransform

LawTransform received funding from Fritt-Ord for two new seminar series: The Right to the City and Transitional Justice in Norway and Beyond.  The series will both continue through …

Bergen Exchanges 2019 Program

You can find a downloadable program here.  Monday 19 August Corruption & Law 09:00-09:45: Formal opening of #BeEx2019 09:45-10:45: Rights to the City - Bergen as a Human …

Interview with Alan Msosa on the situation for LGBTQI+ rights in Malawi

Alan Msosa is a research affiliate at the Centre on Law and Social Transformation. He is part of the Sexual and Reproductive Rights Lawfare (SRR) …

Bergen Exchanges on Law and Social Transformation 2019

19-23 AUGUST 2019 #BeEx2019 The Bergen Exchanges is a meeting place for scholars and practitioners from across the globe who seek to understand how law serves as …

The Council of Europe: from 1949 to 2019

May 2019 marks the 70th anniversary of the Council of Europe. It was founded in 1949 as a response to the fundamental violations of human …

Would you like to volunteer during Bergen Exchanges?

We are looking for volunteers for our annual conference, the Bergen Exchanges! The Bergen Exchanges bring together academics and activists from all over the world …

Sexual and Reproductive Rights in India

On the 14th – 15th of April LawTransform co-organized the conference ‘’Sexual & Reproductive Rights in India: Social movements & legal battles‘‘ at the Bangalore …

LawTransform PhD course 2019

LawTransform PhD course 2019 Effects of Lawfare: Courts and law as battlegrounds for social change (14- 23 August) Practical information The course combines lectures specifically designed for the …

Rwanda: Unfulfilled justice

In the course of three months in 1994, between 800 000 and 1 million Rwandans were brutally slaughtered in systemised attacks. The reconciliation process that …

Overcoming the Limits of Legal Opportunity Structures – LGBT Rights’ Divergent Paths in Costa Rica and Colombia

This is a short summary of the article “Overcoming the limits of Legal Opportunity Strctures – LGBT rights’ Divergent Paths in Costa Rica and Colombia, …

About the centre

Centre on Law & Social Transformation – LawTransform – is a network of scholars, students and practitioners who share an interest in how law shapes societies, and the …

Homeless in São Paulo fight for drinking water

The metropolitan area of São Paulo is home to approximately 21 million people or about four times the population of Norway. Among the largest cities …

World Water Day 2019 – Leaving no one behind

There is a good reason why two UN resolutions explicitly recognized the right to safe and clean drinking water and sanitation as an independent human …

Jackie Dugard on steering committee of SCIS

LawTransform Global Fellow, Jackie Dugard, is on the steering committee of the newly established Southern Centre for Inequality Studies (SCIS). It is the first research institute …

Malcolm Langford on Norway’s place in the Security Council

On 6 March, LawTransform co-director Malcolm Langford appeared in a television debate on NRK with the Norwegian Foreign Minister. They discussed whether Norway deserves a place …

Welcome to Master’s week 2019!

The Centre on Law & Social Transformation is lucky to have many bright and engaged students around! Since the centre was established back in 2014, …

Alicia Yamin appointed Senior Fellow of the Global Health and Rights Project (GHRP)

Alicia Yamin, a Global Fellow of the Centre on Law and Social Transformation has been appointed Senior Fellow of the Global Health and Rights Project(GHRP) at …